The Society for Mental Health Research provides an environment for Australian and New Zealand researchers and clinicians from all sub-disciplines of psychiatry and mental health to come together to promote the importance of mental health research. Membership fees provide vital funds to enable the Society’s Executive Committee to continue to support the mental health research community.
Reduced registration at the annual SMHR Conference.
Eligibility for majority of annual SMHR Awards – announced at SMHR Conference each year. (Further details here).
Eligibility for SMHR ECR Awards (Further details here).
Supports the development of early career researchers through early career research awards and an ECR Mentoring Scheme (Further details here).
Free news announcements on SMHR website and via our social media channels - including recruitment for clinical trials, job advertisements, event promotion, and other news (Further details here).
As the peak body for mental health research in Australia and New Zealand, SMHR engages in advocacy to improve the funding of mental health research through its links with government, the NHMRC and the Mental Health Council of Australia, as well as other relevant organisations. SMHR can be your conduit to informing key individuals who control research funding or who support mental health research in Australia. Please contact SMHR via our contact page (here) if you have an issue that you would like SMHR to consider supporting.
As of March 2016
In March 2015, the SMHR Executive Committee approved an updated membership structure and an increase in membership fees (the first since 2009). Additionally, in developing the new online membership portal, SMHR will move to a 12-month membership model (i.e. 12 months from the date of joining/renewing). In 2016, SMHR has been required to register for GST, and needs to collect GST on all membership fees going forward. Hence, the SMHR Executive Committee has agreed to increase the membership fees by 10% on the 2015 value.
Membership fees will be reviewed annually by the SMHR Executive Committee. Any increase in fees will be applied at the start of the following calendar year and communicated to members accordingly.