Recognises people with lived experience of mental health issues leading mental health research.  Presented to the lived experience researcher who is judged to best meet the selection criteria based on a short written submission to the judging panel.In 2023, this award will be presented to the lived experience researcher who is judged to best meet the selection criteria based on a short written submission to the judging panel.

Eligibility: The award is open to all people with a lived experience of mental health issues who have led mental health research as a lay or academic researcher. Lived experience is defined as personal (consumer) or as an informal carer/family member.

Criteria: Applicants with and without an academic background are encouraged to apply.

Details of the Award: The award includes a medal, $1000 prize money and payment of conference registration fees at the 2023 annual SMHR conference. The awardee and their work will be featured on the SMHR website.

Award Sponsor: Centre for Mental Health Research, Australian National University

Nominations should be sent with subject heading “Lived Experience Research Medal” to:
The SMHR Association Office via –  

Due date: 15 September 2023 by 5pm AEST

Application Form: Lived Experience Research Medal 2023