There is more to innovation in mental health research than great ideas. SMHR has a number of awards acknowledging excellence in research. However, there is often a gap between knowledge gained through research, the dissemination of that knowledge to clinicians, consumers and carers, and its implementation into policy and practice.

Australian Rotary Health has therefore established an annual award to recognise the critical step of research translation – implementation and knowledge dissemination – in our mental health research work. This award is for mental health researchers who can demonstrate the use of innovative strategies and methods for disseminating their research or for implementing their research outputs into clinical practice and other real-world settings.

Award: The award consists of a plaque and travel support of $3000 to attend the SMHR conference. 

Eligibility: The award is open to all researchers, clinicians, consumers and organisations who seek to advance the availability of evidence-based interventions for those who are experiencing mental illness in the Australian community. The prize is open to individuals and organisations. They may be consumers, carers, researchers, or organisations involving these groups.

Selection Criteria: The prize is for the most outstanding and innovative effort to disseminate knowledge about mental health research output or implement evidence-based mental health interventions or service solutions in real world settings. The entry should describe the activity, the target audience, and the evidence base for the research/knowledge which is being promoted, disseminated, or implemented. It should also describe the impact that their activity has had and how this was measured.

Process: Applicants will be required to submit a written entry describing their knowledge dissemination or research translation innovation.

The award will be presented by Australian Rotary Health at the 2024 SMHR Conference in Sydney.

To review the criteria and submit an application please download and complete the below form and then click on the submit application button below.

Application Form: Australian Rotary Health

Due date: 6 September 2024 by 5pm AEST
Applications will not be considered after this deadline.

Successful applicants will be advised by late September 2024. 

Award Sponsor: Australian Rotary Health